Lumary AH - The Lumary AH 12.0 release includes improvements for Appointments, Client Management, Case Notes and Finance.
Available: To Be Advised
This release includes improvements for Appointments, Client Management, Case Notes and Finance.
Please note the supporting user guides will be published and updated on this article on the 20 February 2025.
Managing and booking Appointment changes include:
- Add assets to Appointments easier,
- Booking Appointment series with Availability clashes,
- New month view for Clinician and Client calendars, and
- New features and improvements for the Mobile Experience.
Client Management changes include:
- New custom Client Alerts and general improvements,
- Streamlined Goal Planning, and
- New fields to support LGA Region future automation on Enquiries, Client and Site.
Client Note changes include:
Finance changes include:
- Accounting Period automation,
- Improved Invoice PDF Item Sorting, and
- Bulk Invoice Run duplicate Invoice prevention.
The release also includes several bug fixes and other changes.
Add assets to Appointments easier
We've improved the Add Asset section of appointment creation to make selecting assets faster and more intuitive. Key changes:
- The search field has been replaced with a visual selection of available assets for the appointment time, eliminating ambiguity about asset availability.
- Rooms are displayed by default, with the option to switch to other asset categories as needed.
- If a site is selected as the appointment location, only assets linked to that site are shown.
These updates save users time and simplify the process of adding assets to appointments.
Booking Appointment series with Availability clashes
We've improved the process for booking recurring appointments when availability clashes occur. What’s new:
- Users are no longer blocked from booking a series of appointments due to availability clashes.
- When clashes are detected, a message displays the affected workers and the dates and times of the clashes.
- Users can choose to skip the clashing dates and proceed with booking the remaining appointments.
- For multi-worker appointments, if clashes are skipped, the appointment will only be booked for the dates when all workers are available.
These changes provide greater flexibility when managing recurring appointments.
New month view for Clinician and Client calendars
We've added a new Month View option to the Clinician and Client Appointment Calendars, based on user feedback. This view allows users to see a full month of appointments at a glance, providing greater visibility and ease of scheduling.
New features and improvements for the Mobile Experience
We've enhanced the mobile app with new features and fixes to improve usability and functionality for clinicians:
- Resolved an issue where caching prevented action buttons from refreshing appropriately.
New Features:
- Clinicians can now view the assets assigned to appointments directly on the appointment page.
- Travel recorded by clinicians is now visible on the appointment page.
- Added functionality from the desktop My Day View:
- If an appointment is not checked in or out within 15 minutes of the scheduled times, a Complete button is displayed, allowing clinicians to finalise the appointment.
- Introduced a Reset Appointment button, enabling clinicians to fix errors after completing appointments.
- Added support for transporting clients during the provision of applicable services.
New custom Client Alerts and general improvements
We've upgraded the Client Alerts section on client profiles with new functionality and fixes:
- Legal Information Alerts now display the correct icon and, for Legal Orders, the type of legal order.
- Health Condition Alerts now show the type of health condition.
- Client Risk Alerts now display the sub-category of risk.
- Fixed an issue where some risk "View" links redirected to the home page instead of the correct record.
New Feature:
- Users can now add custom alerts directly within the Client Alerts section.
Streamlined Goal Planning
We've simplified the process of creating Agreed Service Goals based on user feedback. Clinicians are now presented with dropdown menus when selecting the appropriate NDIS Goal and Goal Category. This improvement reduces confusion and enhances the usability of the feature, making goal planning more intuitive.
New fields to support LGA Region future automation on Enquiries, Client and Site
We've added new fields to the Enquiry, Site and Client records to support future automation related to Local Government Area (LGA) Regions. These additions lay the groundwork for streamlining processes and improving data management in upcoming updates.
Add to Calendar feature enhanced
We've enhanced the Add to Calendar feature for Case Notes with the following improvements:
- Appointment Types can now be predefined based on the selected case note template, saving clinicians time by eliminating the need to manually select an appointment type.
- Appointments created through the Add to Case Note feature will now automatically use the same subject line as the associated case note, providing better alignment between the appointment and case note.
Accounting Period automation
We've introduced functionality to automatically assign an open Accounting Period to Invoices, Payments, and Credit Notes based on their respective dates. This enhancement eliminates the need for users to manually select an Accounting Period for each record, streamlining the process and saving time.
Improved Invoice PDF Item Sorting
We've updated the sort order for Line Items on invoice PDFs to enhance clarity for Plan Managers and customers:
- Line Items are now listed in ascending order based on the related Service Delivered (SD) Date.
- For services with the same SD Date, items are further sorted by SD Number, ensuring related items like Primary Service and Travel are grouped together.
These changes reduce confusion and improve the readability of invoices.
Bulk Invoice Run duplicate Invoice prevention
We've resolved a bug that was causing invoices to be generated multiple times for the same extract. This occurred when:
- The Extract was refreshed while the Generate Invoice pop-up was still open, or
- The Generate Invoices button was clicked multiple times.
To prevent this from happening in the future, users will now see a message that prevents re-generation while the invoice generation batch is in progress or queued.
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
The following bug fixes and changes are also included in this release:
- Site Appointment Calendar: Client or Worker Removal - We've fixed an issue in the Site Appointment Calendar where users were unable to remove an incorrectly selected client or worker during appointment booking. Users can now make corrections without restarting the booking process.
- Billable Appointments: Client Now Mandatory - We've resolved an issue where users could create billable appointments without attaching a client, which prevented billing. When creating an appointment with a Billable type, selecting a client is now mandatory.
- Payment Refund Screen Error - We've fixed a bug that prevented the Accounting Period from pre-populating when processing a refund for a payment.
- Lumary Help & Feedback: Broken Link - We've updated the feedback link on the Lumary Help & Feedback page. Users are now directed to our new feedback portal.
- Add Your Work Pattern and Availability: Broken Link - We've resolved a bug where the link directing workers to their Availability page was broken. The link now correctly navigates to the intended page.
- Consents Unable to Be Closed - We've fixed an issue where required fields for updating a consent record to Closed were not appearing, preventing the record from being saved. This has been corrected to ensure the process works as expected.
- Risk Alerts Not Transferring from Enquiry to Client - We've addressed an issue where risk alerts added during the enquiry process were not displaying on client records after conversion. Risk alerts now transfer correctly during this process
- Too Many SOQL Queries Rows Error - We've addressed an issue where users with lots of Worker Appointments were receiving a Too Many SOQL Queries Rows Error when deleting worker appointments or trying o add unavailability
- Session intermittently gets deleted when deleting a bulk of Planned Services - We've addressed an issue where, when multiple Planned Service records where being deleted and the UI didn't have enough time to refresh after the deletion, the Session was being deleted inadvertently.
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