Lumary AH - This article explains how to use the filter and display options in Lumary AH calendars to find the information you need.
When there are lots of appointments scheduled, the calendar may look a little crowded. But, each Lumary AH calendar has a set of filters and display options to help find what you're looking for.
Most filters are useful across all three calendars; the Appointment Scheduler, client calendar and worker calendar. Some filters and display options are only relevant in the Appointment Scheduler.
This article covers how to:
- use filters to narrow sessions by client, worker, location, and more
- use display options to arrange the worker views in the Appointment Scheduler
- clear filters, and
- save a set of filters to re-use (in the Appointment Scheduler only).
Click on the Filter button.
This opens the Filters panel on the side of the calendar.
Filters work using either a search field you type into or a drop-down list from which you select an option. For some filters, you can select multiple options.
The filters are applied as soon as you select options in each field. There are no extra clicks needed to make them work.
You can use multiple filters together to further refine the results. For example, you could select Session Location: Home and Service Type: Occupational Therapy to see only the appointments that are home-based and for occupational therapy services.
The filters and display options available are always the same, no matter which calendar you use. Some are more useful or only work in specific calendars. Each filter and where it's most useful is explained below.
Filter | Description | This filter is useful in |
Session Location |
Show appointments based on where they take place, for example, at clients' homes, at school, or on-site at a clinic. If you choose the Site option here, you can specify which site(s) in the field below. |
All calendars |
Site | Show appointments located only at the selected site(s). | All calendars |
Session Region | If your organisation uses regions, use this to only show appointments in the selected region(s). |
Appointment Scheduler |
Client | Show appointments only for the selected client(s). If you're in a client's calendar, you don't need to use this filter. |
Appointment Scheduler |
Worker | Show appointments only for the selected worker(s). If you're in your own calendar or another worker's calendar on their record, you don't need to use this filter. |
Appointment Scheduler Client calendar |
Worker Role | Show appointments only for the selected worker role, for example, only physiotherapists. |
Appointment Scheduler |
Status | Show appointments only with the selected status, for example, Draft, Complete or Cancelled. | All calendars |
Service Type | Show appointments based on the kind of service, for example only appointments for occupational therapy services. | All calendars |
Group / Individual | Show appointments based on whether they're for a single client or a group of clients. | All calendars |
Display options
These are only relevant in the Appointment Scheduler and only with the Worker (Day) or Worker (Week) views.
Click on the Filter button to open the Filters panel, then scroll down to the Display Options section.
Display Option | Description |
Worker Region | Shows only workers based in the selected region(s). |
Worker Site | Shows only workers based at the selected site(s). |
Worker Role | Shows only workers with the role(s) selected, for example, only occupational therapists. |
Group workers by | Groups workers within the list on the left by criteria such as their role, primary site, or primary region. |
Sort workers by | Arranges workers in the list and/or within selected groupings in alphabetical order by first or last name. |
Hide workers without sessions | Toggle this on to hide the rows for any workers who do not have appointments scheduled. |
Clear filters
To remove a selected filter:
- For search fields, the selected terms are shown underneath the field. Click on the cross icon on that search term to remove it.
- For drop-down lists, click the drop-down to open. Selected options have a tick next to them. Click on the option again to untick it.
To remove all filters and display options, click on the Clear all Filters button. The calendar goes back to its default display.
Save filters and display options in the Appointment Scheduler
Only the Appointment Scheduler allows you to save filters; this feature doesn't apply to the worker and client calendars.
You use filters in all of the Lumary AH calendars, but the Appointment Scheduler also lets you save a set of filters and display options to re-use.
Once you've applied your preferred filters, click on the Save Filters button at the bottom of the Filters panel. Next time you open the Appointment Scheduler, it will automatically apply them.
Your saved filters also include the Appointment Scheduler view you were using when you saved them. For example, if you saved a set of filters created in the Week view, the Appointment Scheduler will open to Week view instead of the default Worker (Day) view.
You can click on the Clear all Filters button to view the Appointment Scheduler without your saved filters. When you want to re-apply them, click on the Reset to Saved Filters button.
You can only save one set of filters to the Appointment Scheduler at a time. To change your saved set, apply the new filters you'd like, then click on Save Filters again. These will now become your saved filters, replacing the previous set.