Lumary AH - This article explains how to get to the incident reporting form in Lumary AH, and how to report an incident.
The Submit an Incident or Feedback section of Lumary AH enables you to report an incident and link it to the people involved. It captures incidents related to an event or situation that occurred during the delivery of a service, and that resulted in harm to a client or harm caused by a client to another person.
The form does not currently capture incidents that affect staff or members of the public that do not have an impact on or from a client.
Check out our explainer video or follow the instructions below to find out more about reporting an incident.
To help you report an incident, we've split up the instructions into how to:
- launch the form
- capture details about the incident and what happened
- capture details about the people involved, and
- finalise and submit the report.
Launch the form
To launch the incident reporting form:
- Click on the App launcher nine dot grid.
- Search for incident
- Click on the Submit an Incident or Feedback item.
On-screen instructions appear throughout the form to help you. We recommend that you read them closely as you work your way through the form.
Avoid using your browser navigation, especially the back button, while working through the form. Using the back button may take you out of the form and remove any information you've added.
The first option in the form allows you to select whether you're recording an incident or feedback.
- Click on the Recording an Incident or Feedback? drop-down list.
- Select Incident.
Capture details about the incident
Once you launch the form, there are several sections and fields that you'll need to complete. Some of these fields may be slightly different depending on your business's reporting processes. The following table explains the purpose and requirements of each of the form's sections.
* A red asterisk indicates a mandatory field. Many of the fields in the incident reporting form are mandatory, so make sure you fill out all of the fields that have a red asterisk.
Section | Purpose and requirements |
Reporting Employee |
The person completing the incident report. This field auto-fills with your user name. You can remove this by clicking on the Clear Selection cross at the end of the field and then search for another user. |
Date and Time |
Categorisation |
The Client Incident Category drop-down list captures the category of the incident. Depending on your selection, this will open additional mandatory fields. For example, selecting Incident will add the Client Incident Sub-Category field to the form. |
Incident Report |
Information about the incident, including the location and a brief, factual account of what happened. Instructions at the beginning of this section explain what the report should include. If you set the Was Property Damaged field to Yes, the Property Damage section will be revealed. |
Property Damage |
Added to the form if the Was Property Damaged field is set to Yes. If you indicate that property was damaged, the mandatory Describe what property damage occurred free text field will appear. |
Initial Response |
Captures action taken and who was contacted. Putting a tick in some of the checkboxes on this list reveals additional fields. For example, ticking the Police checkbox reveals a field to capture the Police Report Number. You can make multiple selections in this section. |
- Once you've completed all of the mandatory fields, click on the Next button to continue.
Capture details about the people involved
Once you've captured information about what happened, the next part of the form captures information about the people involved and how they were affected. The Person Involved Details section includes several dynamic fields that reveal additional options depending on your selections. After you've entered the details of the first person, you'll have an opportunity to add more people as required.
Sections and fields | Purpose and requirements |
Choose a person type |
The type of person involved in the incident. Additional fields appear based on your selection. If you select Client or Employee, you'll need to search for the person on the system and link them to this report using the Client or Employee field. If you select Member of the Public, you'll need to add their first name and last name and contact details if you have them. |
Was this person injured or sick? |
Selecting Yes will add the What type occurred? field. |
What type occurred? |
Added to the form if Was this person injured or sick? is set to Yes. If you select Physical Injury, the Physical Injury Details section will be revealed. If you select Illness / Disease / Other, the Illness / Disease / Other Details section will be revealed. |
Physical Injury Details |
Added to the form if What type occurred? is set to Physical Injury. Captures details of the main physical injury. Fields include:
Illness / Disease Other Details |
Added to the form if What type occurred? is set to Illness / Disease / Other. Reveals a mandatory free text entry field, What is the nature of the illness, disease or other injury sustained? |
Restrictive Practice Usage |
Added to the form if the person type selected is Client and the Main Involvement Type is Impacted Person. Putting a tick in the Unauthorised Restrictive Practice Used checkbox will reveal additional fields about the restrictive practice. These include:
Was first aid treatment given? |
Added to the form if Was this person injured or sick? is set to Yes. If you indicate that first aid treatment was given, the mandatory Person Who Gave First Aid field will appear. |
What was the highest level of treatment received as a consequence of the injury? |
Added to the form if Was this person injured or sick? is set to Yes. |
- Once you've completed all of the mandatory fields, click on the Next button to continue.
- This will reveal the Link another person to this incident? option -
- Selecting Yes and clicking on the Next button will allow you to add other people involved in the incident.
- Selecting No and clicking on the Next button will take you to the next part of the form.
The people you've already added to the form will be listed under Persons Involved Already Linked.
Finalise and submit the report
The last part of the form allows you to upload any files or attachments related to the incident. To upload files:
- Click on the Upload Files button.
- Navigate to the file on your computer and click on it.
- Click on the Open button.
- This will launch an Upload Files popup. Once the progress bar shows that uploading is complete, click on Done.
Alternatively, you can drop files directly onto the form. Make sure you drop the file inside the dotted line. The drop zone will show a blue highlight when you drag your file into the correct area. As with uploading, dropping the file will launch the Upload Files popup. Once the progress bar shows that uploading is complete, click on Done.
- Once you've uploaded your files and attachments, click on the Submit button.
Clicking on Submit will take you to your new incident management record.
To edit the incident management record, click on the:
- Edit button at the top of the record
- pencil icon at the end of one of the fields, or
- Related tab and either the text link on a related record, or the New button to add new related records.