Lumary AH - This article explains how to reset hints and tips panels to reappear on your user profile.
Hints and tips panels appear throughout Lumary AH. They provide links and explanations for complex parts of the system. As you got used to the system, you probably dismissed a few to help free up your screen. But what if you want them back?
Resetting hints and tips currently reactivates all of the hints and tips panels within the system.
To reset hints and tips:
- Click on the View profile icon in the navigation strip at the top of the page. If you've added a profile picture, this will be a circle with a picture of you.
- Click on the text link of your name. This will open your Lightning Experience profile page.
- Scroll down to the Reset contextual hints and tips panel.
- Click on the Reset hints and tips panels button.
All of the available hints and tips panels should now appear for your user profile.