Lumary AH - This article explains how to charge a fixed travel amount when completing an appointment.
If you've set up a budget for fixed travel amounts on a client's service agreement, you can also set up your environment to charge fixed amounts. This will mean that, when an appointment completes that has a service set up for fixed travel, the system will generate service delivered (SD) records using the fixed values.
Before you begin...
For an appointment to use fixed travels amounts, you'll need:
- the Fixed Travel Bugeting and Charge setting to be applied to your environment
- a current NDIS service agreement with Fixed Travel ticked and at least one of the fixed travel fields populated, and
- an appointment with a status of Rostered, Travel Chargeable ticked and a Travel Area selected.
To generate the fixed travel SD records:
- Go to the appointment.
- Click on the Complete button.
- This will open a Complete Session form. If you need to capture details of the actual travel for this appointment, you can add those to the relevant travel fields. However, this will not affect the SD records used for billing and claiming.
- Once you've made your selections, click on the Confirm button.
When you generate SD records using fixed travel budgeting and charging:
- the Fixed Travel checkbox will automatically be ticked on the SD record to show that fixed values were taken from the service agreement for billing and claiming, not the actual travel values, and
- travel values on the SD record will use the values set up on the client's service agreement.