This article explains how to create an extract that you can submit to the DSS's Data Exchange (DEX).
To create a DEX extract:
- Click on the Lumary Extracts tab.
- Click on the Extract Type drop-down list and select DEX.
- Select the relevant Programme.
The programmes available for you to select are configured specifically for your business. If the programme that you need isn't available, contact Lumary Support to enable it.
In Lumary 18, the Session Grouping field has been removed. Improved features in Sessions mean that events are no longer used to manage DEX.
- Select the relevant session grouping option for extract items for services delivered that are part of an event:
- By Event - Extract items for the same event are grouped into the same DEX session. The service code and case ID come from the event.
- By Event, Service and Case - Extract items are grouped into the same DEX session if they have the same event, service code and case ID. Otherwise, extract items appear in separate DEX sessions. For this option, the service code and case ID come from the underlying service delivered, not from the event.
- No Grouping - Each extract item is in a separate DEX session, even though it was part of an event. For this option, the service code and case ID come from the underlying service delivered, not from the event.
- Enter the Start Date and End Date for the period you need to extract. Clicking on the hyperlink date next to each field will auto-populate that field with today's date.
- Click on the Create Extract button.
- An alert will appear to notify you that the extract is being processed.
- Wait to receive the email. If you receive an email with validation errors, resolve them and repeat the above steps.
- Once you receive a success email, return to the Extracts page.
- Set the Extract Type to DEX. If you can't see the extract you created, set the Start Date and End Date to match the required reporting period.
The Previous Extracts section lists up to 1,000 of the most recent extracts for the extract type and date range selected. This is to avoid an error that affects providers with a large number of extracts. If your extract isn't showing, try adjusting the Start Date and End Date or go to the Extracts list view and apply filters.
- Click on the Extract ID text link of the extract you created.
- To create a file to provide to the DSS click on the drop-down arrow and select Generate File.
- As with the extract, you'll be notified by email when your generated file is ready. Once you receive the success email, the extract will be attached to the extract record. Click on the Related tab.
- Scroll down to Notes & Attachments.
- The extract will be an .xml file that can be downloaded by clicking on the text link.