This article explains how to capture compliments, complaints and other feedback.
Lumary's incident management features can also be used to capture compliments, complaints or other feedback.
Required packages and permissions
Updated in: Lumary 21 minor release 5
Available with: Lumary 21 minor release 2 and later, submit a support request to our Customer Success team to get access to this feature.
Permission set: Lumary - Incident Capture and Management
This article explains how to:
- launch the feedback form
- capture basic information
- add feedback details, and
- include attachments and finalise.
Launch the feedback form
There are multiple ways to launch the incident management features to capture feedback.
If the feedback is being raised on a client's behalf:
- Go to the client's record.
- Click on the Submit Incident / Feedback button at the top of the record. You may need to click on the drop-down arrow to find this option.
If the feedback doesn't involve a client:
- Click on the App Launcher nine dot icon.
- Search for incidents.
- Click on the Incidents Management option.
- This will open the Incidents Management list view. Click on the New button.
Either approach will launch the Submit Incident / Feedback form. A progress bar at the top of the form shows you where you're up to in the process.
Avoid using your browser navigation, especially the back button, while working through the form. Using the back button may take you out of the form and remove any information you've added.
Capture basic information
To capture basic feedback information:
- Under Recording an Incident or Feedback? select Feedback.
- This will reveal the What type of Feedback? question.
- Select Complaint or Compliment.
If you select Complaint, the record created to track the feedback will include additional options to track complaint resolution.
- Click on the Next button.
This will take you to a screen that captures information under fields listed in the following table. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. Some responses may open additional mandatory fields.
Field | Purpose and use |
* User who reported or captured this Incident / Feedback? |
This will auto-fill with your name. To capture feedback for another user:
* Date and Time Feedback Received |
To add the date and time the feedback was received:
* Who raised the Feedback? |
The option you select for this question may reveal additional fields.
* Is this being raised on behalf of a client? |
This field appears for all options other than Client. Selecting Yes will reveal the * Client Name field. |
* Client Name |
Search for and select the name of the client who raised the feedback. If you started from a client's record, this field will auto-fill with that client's name. If a different client provided the feedback, click on the cross to clear the field. Then search for and select the client. |
- Once you've filled in all of the mandatory fields, click on the Next button.
Add feedback details
Once you've added basic information, the next screen captures details of the feedback. Use the Domain Choice field to select the type of feedback. For most options, this will reveal a Sub Domain Choice field with different options depending on the main domain.
The standard domain options and sub options are listed in the following table. These may be different depending on what's been set up in your environment.
* Domain Choice | * Sub Domain Choice |
Service |
Communication |
Staff/Worker |
Finance |
Other | The Sub Domain Choice field is hidden. |
- Once you've selected the domains, fill in the * Details of Complaint, Compliment or Feedback field.
- Fill in the * What action would you like taken / preferred outcome? field.
As well as entering text, these fields allow you to:
- apply text formatting
- link to other URLs, and
- upload images.
- For * Does the person want additional contact to be made?, select Yes or No.
- Before you move on, check what you've entered carefully. Use the Previous button to go back and make any changes.
- Click on the Next button. This will create an incident management record and you won't be able to go back to previous screens. If you need to make any further changes, you'll need to make them on the incident management record.
Include attachments and finalise
The last screen enables you to include any attachments that have been provided to support the feedback.
- Click on the Upload Files button or drop files on the hit area to add attachments.
- Click on the Next button.
Uploaded files can be found on the incident management record by going to the Communication And Attachments tab and clicking on the Attachments tab.
The feedback will be saved in an incident management record for review, reporting and, if required, escalation. If the feedback is a complaint, the incident management record will include a Complaint Resolution tab with additional options for capturing the resolution of the complaint.