This article explains how to capture details of an incident using Lumary's incident capture and management tools.
With Lumary CM, you can capture, manage and monitor incidents. To help streamline the process, we've included several dynamic capture and management tools. These tools help you make sure you get all the details, and show you where you're up to in the process.
If your report needs to meet Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) regulatory requirements, check out our article on how to report an incident for an aged care client.
Required packages and permissions
Updated in: Lumary 21 minor release 5
Available with: Lumary 21 minor release 2 and later, submit a support request to our Customer Success team to get access to this feature.
Permission set: Lumary - Incident Capture and Management
There are two ways to launch the incident recording form.
If the incident involved a client:
- Go to the client's record.
- Click on the Submit Incident / Feedback button at the top of the record. You may need to click on the down arrow to find this option.
If the incident did not involve a client:
- Click on the App Launcher nine dot icon.
- Search for incidents.
- Click on the Incidents Management option.
- This will open the Incidents Management list view. Click on the New button.
Once you've launched the recording form:
- Under Recording an Incident or Feedback select Incident.
- This will reveal the Incident Occurred During the Provision of Service under which Funding Program drop-down list. If known, select the relevant funding program. The options available will depend on which funding programs are set up in your environment.
- Click on the Next button.
- The User who reported or captured this Incident / Feedback field will then appear at the top of the form and auto-populate with your username. To change the name of the user submitting the incident, click on the cross (X) to clear the field and then search for the user's name.
- In the Date and Time section, select the date/time the the incident occurred and the date/time that it was reported.
- Under Is the time recorded Actual or Estimated?, select Actual or Estimated.
- Click on the Next button.
- Under Categorisation, click on the Please select Primary Incident Type drop-down arrow and select an option.
- This will reveal the Client Incident Sub-category field. Click on the drop-down arrow and select an option. The options will vary depending on the primary incident type.
- Select a Location of Incident -
- Home uses the client's home address as the location.
- Community reveals a Location Details free text field.
- Site reveals a site search field where you can search for and add the site.
- Other reveals a Location Details free text field.
- In the Summarise the Incident field, you can add text, links and images to describe the incident.
- Add a Was any property damaged? response. If you select Yes, you'll need to fill in the Describe what property damage occurred field.
- Add a Was a restrictive practice used? response.
- Click on the Next button.
- Put a tick in the relevant Initial Actions Taken or Who Was Contacted checkboxes. Some options will reveal text fields for capturing report numbers or other information.
- Use the Actions Taken/Initial Response field to add text, links and images to explain the initial response.
- Once you click Next on this screen, an incident record will be created and you won't be able to come back to this step. Check the details you've added before proceeding. You can click Previous to go back and make changes, or click Next to add persons involved in the incident.
Once the incident record is created, you'll need to edit the record to make any changes to information you added in earlier steps.
- The next screen captures details about the people involved in the incident. Choose a type of person involved -
- Client - adds a Client field. If you started from a client's record, their name will auto-fill this field.
- Employee - adds an Employee field. Search for and add an employee.
- M.O.P - stands for member of the public. This option adds name and contact information fields for the MOP.
- Choosing a type of person reveals The Persons Involvement Type field. If you select M.O.P, this will appear above the name and contact information fields.
- Selecting a type of involvement will reveal an optional Provide details about the involvement field.
- Select a Was this person injured or sick? option -
- Physical Injury - reveals several additional mandatory fields to capture information about the injury, including the type and nature of the injury, the part of the body affected and details about any first aid treatment that was provided.
- Illness / Disease / Other - reveals a field where you can add text, links and images to describe how the person was affected.
- No.
- Once you click Next on this screen, the person will be linked to the incident and you won't be able to come back to this step. Check the details are accurate before clicking on the Next button.
- The next screen shows a list of people linked to the incident. For Link another Person to this Incident, if you select Yes and click Next, this will take you back to the person involved section of the form. If you decide not to add another person, put a tick in the NOT REQUIRED checkbox and click on the Next button to go to the attachments step.
- When you've finished adding people, select No and click on the Next button.
- Click on the Upload Files button or drop files on the hit area to add attachments.
- Click on the Next button.
- This will take you to a screen where you can view and edit the details of the incident. You can use the tabs and/or the process steps to capture further actions related to the incident.
Once you've created an incident record, you can follow the steps on the process to add information about how the incident was managed and any improvements or corrective actions.