This article provides instructions on how to update an existing service agreement to deliver the new group support service line items.
Lumary recommends making these changes as soon as possible to avoid potential conflicts with future updates but will continue to support both the original group support line items and the new group support line items under the NDIA until 30 December 2023.
These changes are for service agreements with restricted categories only
The changes detailed below aren't required if you have unrestricted categories in your client's service agreements. If your categories are unrestricted, then instead we recommend that you start to schedule group services using the new group support service line items in future.
There are three potential ways that you can go about updating your service agreements. You can choose to update all service agreements in the same way, or you can use a combination of ways to update them. Each method could impact you differently, so read through the overview for each method carefully before you decide the best way to proceed for your organisation.
The three methods we recommend to update your service agreements are:
- wait until the service agreement expires and create a new one with the new line items
- edit the service agreement directly, or
- rollover the service agreement
Wait for service agreements to expire
If you're happy to wait until your service agreements expire, then you can simply wait for this to happen and then create new service agreements with the new group support line items.
It's important to note that, depending on when your service agreements expire, you may need to use one of the other methods to update some of your service agreements to ensure that all group supports being delivered as of 1 July 2022 are using the new group support line items.
If you use this method, you'll also need to remember not to schedule any group support services using the original codes beyond 30 June 2022.
Edit service agreements
You can simply edit your service agreements and replace the original line items with the new group support line items.
If using this method, you must edit all scheduled sessions or jobs to replace the line items to match the service agreement. If a service is delivered that was set up using line items that are no longer on the service agreement, then no SD records will be created and the service can't be claimed for.
To stop this from occurring you will need to edit all future scheduled services before they're delivered. If you're not able to do this, then you may want to consider one of the other options.
Roll over service agreements
Using the rollover function on existing service agreements allows you to set up a new service agreement that's pre-filled with all of the information in the old one. This is different from just editing a service agreement because it allows you to set the rollover date to a point in the future, meaning that you can continue to deliver scheduled services that use the original line items until the rollover date. This may be helpful if you've scheduled group support services far in advance and don't want to edit those services to have the new group support line items.
When rolling over service agreements it's important to remember that services delivered after the rollover and before the start date of the new agreement will only draw down on the balance of the original agreement. Category funding balances in the new agreement will remain as they were on the date they were rolled over. Once the new agreement commences, you'll need to manually adjust the service agreement's remaining balance and the category balances to account for any services delivered from the time the new agreement was created.
Click here to see how to roll over a service agreement
To roll over a service agreement you need to:
- change the end date of current service agreements to the day before your new service agreement starts, and
- roll over the service agreements.
Change service agreement end date
You can skip this section and go straight to the steps to roll over your service agreements instead. However, this will cause the end date of the original service agreement and the start date of the rolled over service agreement to overlap. This means that any services that are delivered on this day can be delivered to either service agreement and may cause confusion.
To change the end date on a current service agreement:
- Navigate to the service agreement that you need to edit by clicking on the Service Agreements tab.
- Click on the text link of the service agreement you want to edit.
- Click on the Amend button to edit the service agreement.
- Scroll to the bottom of the form to the Amendment Information section. Click on the Amendment Reason Type drop-down list and select Funding Changes.
- Click on the Save button.
Editing funding schedules
If the service agreement you're editing has any funding schedules attached to it, you'll need to change the end date on these before you can change the end date on the overall service agreement. To do this:
- Scroll down to the category with service line items that have funding schedules and click on the pencil icon next to the line item.
- Scroll down to the Funding Schedule section and change the Schedule End Date field to the date that you want your current service agreement to end.
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Edit button at the top of the service agreement.
- Change the End Date field to your chosen date.
- Click on the Save button. You may need to refresh the following page if the new end date doesn't appear straight away.
- Once the service agreement end date has been changed, click on the Generate Quote button.
- You may need to capture the participant's agreement to these changes. Once you're ready to finalise the service agreement, click on the Sign button.
- This will launch the Record Signature window. Have the appropriate person add their signature to the white box.
- Click into the Name of Individual Signing field and enter the name of the person who provided the signature.
- Click on the Save button. The service agreement status should change to Current.
Roll over a service agreement
To roll over a service agreement:
- Take note of the Total Allocation Limit of the service agreement. You'll need to enter this again on the next screen.
- Click on the Rollover button at the top of the service agreement.
- In the Start Date field enter the date that you want the new service agreement with the new group support line items to start. This should be the day after the current service agreement is scheduled to end.
- Fill in the End Date field.
- Enter the funds in the Total Allocation Limit field that you noted above.
- Click on the Line Items tab.
- Click on the pencil icon next to one of your discontinued line items.
- Click on the Service drop-down menu and select the new line item to be delivered.
- Select the appropriate rate from the Rate drop-down menu.
- Click on the Delivery Ratio drop-down and select the correct ratio.
- Click on the Save button.
- Generate a new quote and get it approved by the participant.
- Repeat these steps for each service agreement and each discontinued line item for all participants using these services.
Providers will need to manually reconcile category funding balances when new service agreements start. Services delivered after the rollover and before the start date of the new agreement will only draw down on the balance of the original agreement. Category funding balances in the new agreement will remain as they were on the date they were rolled over. Once the new agreement commences, you'll need to manually adjust the service agreement's remaining balance and the category balances to account for any services delivered from the time the new agreement was created.