- An option has been created to appear when adding, modifying or removing planned services for a session in a series. This will allow for determining if you want changes to be applied for this session only or for all sessions not completed or cancelled in the series.
Refer to Session
easyemployer -
- easyemployer integration updated to send the Related Recurrence Id for a session.
- When a worker appointment is completed, the worker's actual times are sent to easyemployer. These are calculated from the existing worker travel records for the session/appointment.
- When a worker travel record is added after the worker appointment is completed, the worker's actuals are recalculated and updated in easyemployer.
- If the worker appointment and travel records are modified after the worker appointment is complete, then any changes made to the worker's actuals will be recalculated and updated in easyemployer.
- New side menu option "SHIFTS" added. This page includes a list of shift dates and times and the buttons "Accept" and "Decline for a worker to accept or decline ALL shifts.
Refer to Mobile App
Travel -
- Now when the client has additional transport charges we have added the option for NDIA Service Agreements to be invoiced out to the nominated funding manager - ie. participant, participant nominee or funding management provider. This extract will only include items that are NDIA managed. (This option will only become available after it has been selected in settings.)
Cancellations for Therapy Services -
- If the cancellation is more than 6 hours for the service booking no service delivered record will be created.
- A service booking number and start and end dates for service booking can now be entered against a Service Agreement or at line item level. This will allow for the effective calculation of cancellation hours against the service booking. Up to a maximum of 6 hours.
Refer to Transport
- Add Block funded services as plan services on a bed allocation
- Deliver services for block funded services in the schedule of a Bed
- When saving to a bed allocation record, a warning message will display if the client has a blocklist match.
- A warning message will display if the client is on the blocklist of a client in a bed allocation on the site they are being added to, or if a client in a bed allocation is on a blocklist of the client that is being added to a site.
Refer to Booking Beds
- We have made changes for when there is no Worker on the job service item, the Worker is created using the following logic:
*If there's a team leader, the Team Leader Job Allocation is selected.
*If there's no team leader then the first Job Allocation (for a person, not an asset) created will be selected.
*This will mean that all service deliveries will be linked to only 1 resource no matter how many resources are allocated to the job.
Refer to Skedulo Integration
How and When These Features Become Available
Lumary will install the release package into your sandbox for a piloting phase period of 6 weeks. Your organisation’s primary contact(s) have been notified of this sandbox upgrade approximately two weeks prior.
Following the sandbox period, the application upgrade will be automatically installed into your production environment, and the release will then be available to all users in your organisation. Communications will be made to primary contacts about the upcoming sandbox and production upgrades.
Consider communicating these changes to your users beforehand so that they are prepared.