This article explains how to use service delivery entry to create a service delivered record manually for an item that has been included on a client's service agreement.
One of the ways you can create a record for services that have been provided to a client is by using the Service Delivery Entry tab. This can be used for most services. However, as travel and transport are slightly more complicated, we've explained them in separate articles based around specific circumstances.
Required packages
Last updated in version: Lumary 21 minor release 4
To create a record of the delivery of a service that has been included on a client's service agreement:
- Click on the Service Delivery Entry tab.
If you can't see the Service Delivery Entry tab, you may need to use the More drop-down list. If you still can't find it, you may need to click on the App Launcher and search for Service Delivery Entry to open the Service Delivery Entry page.
- In the Services Delivered section, click on the Add Service Delivered button.
- This will launch the Add Services Delivered form. If you want to track the worker who delivered the service, click in the Worker field and search for their name.
- Client Name is the first mandatory field. If you start typing your client's name, it should appear in the list below the field.
- Click in the Support Category drop-down list and select a category.
Mandatory fields are marked with a * red asterisk. As you make selections, additional mandatory fields may appear. You'll need to fill them in to activate the Save button.
- Selecting a support category will usually activate additional fields, including the Service field. The Service field will list services available under the category you selected based on settings in the client's service agreement. Click in the Service field and select a service line item.
- Depending on your selection, you may have other fields to populate, such as Site or Rate. In our example, the rate for this item has been automatically selected based on the client's service agreement.
- If different claim types are available on the service, the Claim Type field will be active. This can be used to record things like cancellations, report writing and non face-to-face services.
- For most services, you'll need to add a quantity or amount to the Quantity/Amount field. The units used here will depend on the service you've selected. For example, the unit of measure on the rate for the service we've used in our example is hourly. This means we'll enter the quantity as a number of hours.
The travel and transport fields have complex requirements and functionality. If you need to create service delivered records for travel and transport, check out the articles in the travel and transport service delivery entries section.
- Fill in any other relevant fields, like Comments and Case Notes.
If you add a case note title, you'll also need to add text to the Case Note field to create a case note. If you add text to the Case Note field and leave the Case Note Title blank, the SD record number will be used for the title.
- If your service is NDIA funded, you'll need the client's acceptance to be able to generate an extract to claim. If the client has accepted the service, put a tick in the Client Accepted checkbox.
If you don't tick the Client Accepted checkbox, the service delivered record will not be included in NDIS extracts.
- Once you've filled in all of the mandatory and relevant fields, click on the Save button or Save & New if you need to make multiple entries.