This article provides an introduction to the service delivered (SD) record and provides an overview of how these records are created.
The service delivered record (SD) is one of the keys to claiming funds for the services your organisation provides. It stores the details of the services that you and your workers have delivered to your clients and is one of the main records included when you create an extract to claim funds.
To create a service delivered record you will usually need a current service agreement.
Articles in this section of the Help Centre explain how to:
- find, edit and delete service delivered records
- create service delivered records using the Service Delivery Entry tab
- record services that have already been delivered
- use Sessions to automatically create service delivered records, and
- capture NDIS services, including travel, transport and cancellations.
But first, let's take a look at how service delivered records can be created:
- automatically, or
- manually.
Automatically creating service delivered records
Service delivered records are usually created automatically based on scheduled services. If you're using Sessions or a third party scheduling tool, you can add services to your appointments. When you or the worker sets the appointment to complete, the system will create the relevant service delivered records.
You can edit or delete these records until they're included in an extract. Once extracted, they can no longer be edited except in specific circumstances, which are described in the Claim funds section of the Help Centre.
- Find out more about scheduling services by reviewing the articles in the Create and track appointments section.
- Find out more about scheduling services with Skedulo in Skedulo's Knowledge Base.
Manually creating service delivered records
You can also create service delivered records manually from the Service Delivery Entry tab. This can be a handy option for services that have been delivered without being scheduled, or if additional services, such as travel and transport, weren't included on a scheduled appointment.
- Find out more about creating service delivered records manually.
The Service Delivery Entry tab also allows you to create records for services that are delivered without a service agreement.
- Find out more about creating service delivered records without an agreement.
If you're already up and running and creating service delivered records, you might want to start with the articles on where to find them, or how to edit and delete them.