This article explains how to create an NDIS extract.
To claim funding from the NDIS, you'll need to create an extract that lists the services delivered and submit the claims via the myplace portal. This process is split into three parts:
- Create an NDIS extract
- Process the results files and unlink any errors, and
- Process the remittance files.
This article only covers the first part. Follow the links above to navigate to the articles covering the other parts of the NDIS extract process.
To create an NDIS extract:
- Go to the Lumary Extracts tab.
- Click on the Extract Type drop-down list and select NDIS.
- Select your NDIS Registration Number.
If you can’t select the number, contact your system administrator.
NDIS Registration Number
There are two places where the NDIS Registration Number can be set. When creating an NDIS Extract, the NDIS Registration Number you select will control which service delivered (SD) records are included in the extract. If you select:
- an NDIS Registration Number related to a site, only SD records linked to a service or program that is linked to that site will be included in the extract, or
- the company-wide value, only SD records that are linked to a service or program that is linked to a site that doesn't have the NDIS Registration Number field populated will be included in the extract.
Find out more about how to manage multiple NDIS registration numbers.
- There are several filters that can affect which SD records are included in your extract. There are also options that affect how information displays in your extract. The following table provides a description of these filters and options.
Filters and options | Requirement | Description |
Extract Type | Mandatory | Must be set to NDIS. This will reveal the options listed in this table. |
Site Name | Optional filter | Enables you to filter to only extract SD records for a particular site. |
Client Name | Optional filter |
Enables you to filter for a specific client. Must match the client's name exactly as it appears in the system. |
Service Agreement Number | Optional filter | If you know the specific service agreement's number, you can filter down to only extract SD records from that agreement. |
Region | Optional filter | Enables you to filter against client records that are linked to the selected region. If you have issues when selecting a region, check the client record and verify that the region field has been completed correctly. If selected, this field must match the region where the service was delivered. |
NDIS Registration Number | Mandatory | Must match the number of the entity that delivered the service. |
Hours Column | Mandatory | Selects the column in the extract used for multiplying units. For example, a 1 hour and 30 minute session appears in Quantity as 1.5 or Hours as 1:30. If unsure, leave set to Quantity. |
- Select the Start Date and End Date for the period you want to claim.
- Click on the Create Extract button. The process may take a few seconds; an email will be sent to you once the extract is complete.
- Click on the Refresh List button or refresh your browser and set the Extract Type to NDIS again.
- Under Previous Extracts, look for the new extract file.
The Previous Extracts section lists up to 1,000 of the most recent extracts for the extract type and date range selected. This is to avoid an error that affects providers with a large number of extracts. If your extract isn't showing, try adjusting the Start Date and End Date or go to the Extracts list view and apply filters.
- Click on the Extract ID hyperlink to open your extract.
- Click on the Related tab and review the Extract Items list.
- To see more items, you can click on View All, then click on any of the Extract Item Name (EXI) text links to see a full extract item record.
- Click on the Generate File button to generate a .csv file. You may need to use the drop-down arrow to find this option. This may take a few seconds; an email will be sent to you once this process is complete. Your extract may be split into multiple files depending on the number of claims; the number of files will be indicated in your confirmation email.
- Refresh your browser and go to the Related tab again.
- Under the Notes & Attachments section the .csv files should be visible.
- Download the files by clicking on their names.
- You should be able to find the files in the downloads folder on your computer.
These are the files to upload to the NDIS myplace portal. We recommend that you review them before uploading, but do not make any changes, as this may distort the formatting. If you need to make changes, make them in the system and then generate the files again.
After uploading the bulk upload files to the myplace portal, you'll receive a results file for each claim file that you'll need to upload to Lumary CM to align the results to your Lumary records.