This article explains how to cancel a booking from the beds calendar.
If a client cancels a booking, you may need to keep a record of their cancellation. You can do this by cancelling the booking from the beds calendar.
Cancelling a booking from the beds calendar does not generate a cancellation service delivery entry for claiming. To claim for cancelled services, you will need to use a different cancellation method, such as a manual service delivery entry.
To cancel a bed booking:
- Click on the Beds Calendar tab or App Launcher and Beds Calendar text link.
- Use the Client filter and any other filters that will help to quickly navigate to a specific client or clients.
- Click on the booking.
- Under Status, select Cancelled.
- Add any comments that may help to explain the cancellation.
- Click on the Save button.
- The booking should now appear on the Beds Calendar with a status of Cancelled.