This article explains how to create a new supported accommodation bed.
Each bed used for supported accommodation must have a bed record set up in the system.
When creating a supported accommodation bed, you can define settings that limit the gender and age of clients booking into it.
To create a new supported accommodation bed:
- Navigate to the Sites tab. If this tab isn't on your navigation bar, search for it in the App Launcher.
- In the Sites list, find the site at which the new bed will be located.
- Click on the text link of the Site Name.
- Click on the Related tab.
- Scroll down to the Beds section, then click on the New button.
- Select Supported Accommodation as the record type, then click on the Next button.
- Complete the New Bed: Supported Accommodation form as explained in the table below. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory.
Some fields in this form relate to bed occupancy and aren't used when creating the bed. You'll need to enter specific values or leave these blank as explained below, otherwise, you'll encounter errors.
Field | Input |
Bed* | Type in the bed name. Follow your organisation's bed naming conventions and check the text carefully. Once a bed has been created, only a system administrator can edit its name. |
Room Number | If the bed is located in a specific room, enter the room number here. |
Bed Type | Select the applicable bed type from the drop-down list. |
Funding | Select a funding type from the drop-down list. If the option you need isn't in the list, select Other, then enter funding details in the If Other, Describe field. |
Max and Min Age | If the bed occupancy has age limits, type in the maximum and/or minimum age here. |
Site* | Auto-populated with the site name when you create the bed from the Site. If the field is blank, click into the field and start typing the site name. When it appears in the list, click on it to select. |
Bed Status* | Select Vacant - Permanent. This lets you create the bed without an occupant. You'll be able to book the bed for clients after it's created. |
Reason for Change | Leave this set to None. |
Comments | Leave this blank. |
Gender | If the bed occupancy is limited by gender, specify this here. Click on an option in the Available list on the left, then click on the right arrow to add it to the Chosen field. |
Client | Leave this blank. |
Service Agreement | Leave this blank. |
Start Date* | Auto-populates with the current date, and you should not change this. As soon as you save this form, the bed will be created and become available for booking via the Beds Calendar. Entering a future date here will not delay the creation of the bed, nor prevent it from being booked until that date. |
Expected Date of Return | Leave this blank. |
- Click on the Save button.
The new bed is created and appears on the site record, under the Related tab, in the Beds section.
It will now be visible in the Beds Calendar and can be booked for clients.