This article explains how to access, edit and delete accommodation bookings from a client's contact record.
The preferred method for making changes to accommodation bookings is through the Beds Calendar. However, you can also edit or delete a bed booking from a client's record. You may choose to use this option if you are making several modifications to the details of an individual client.
To view accommodation on a client's contact record:
- Click on the Contacts tab
- Click on the name of your client. You may need to use the Recently Viewed drop down list to filter your options.
- Navigate to the Accommodation tab. You may need to click on the More drop-down arrow.
- Scroll down to the Bed Allocations section. From here, you should be able to see all of the client's past and present bookings, and their status.
- You can delete a booking by clicking on the drop-down arrow at the end of the row and selecting Delete.
- You can edit a booking by either clicking on the Bed Allocation ID text link or by selecting Edit from the drop-down list at the end of the row.
- You can edit several of the fields on the Bed Allocation record, such as the Bed, Client and Status. To change the Start and Expected End Date/Time, you'll need to use the Beds Calendar.