This article explains how to use the Report Writing claim type to capture NDIA reporting.
Where providers are required to provide reports requested by the NDIA, the pricing rules allow the time for writing these reports to be claimed. In the Lumary system, this type of reporting is captured under the Report Writing claim type. Other types of reporting may be able to be claimed as non face-to-face services.
To capture NDIA reporting, you'll need to:
- Create an NDIS service agreement.
- Add a category that includes services that allow for the claiming of NDIA reporting.
- You may also choose to add the service line item to the agreement.
For the Report Writing option to appear, the service's record will need to have a tick in the Requires Reporting checkbox. By default, this setting is aligned to the NDIA's pricing rules. It can be enabled by a system administrator.
- Once you've set up your service agreement, click on the Service Delivery Entry tab.
- In the Services Delivered section, click on the Add Service Delivered button.
- Enter the Client Name, Support Category, Service and any other relevant fields.
- Click on the Claim Type drop-down list.
- Select Report Writing.
- Fill in the Quantity/Amount field.
- Add any other relevant details.
- Click on the Save button.