This article explains how to add information about a legal order to a client's contact record.
If your organisation provides services that may be affected by a client's legal orders, information about these circumstances can be recorded on a client's contact record. This could be for orders that apply directly to the client or to people involved in their care. It could include court orders or orders regarding issues like guardianship, custody or power of attorney.
Your account will need the appropriate permission level to add or edit legal records. You may need to request access from your system administrator.
To add information about a legal order:
- Navigate to the client's contact record under the Contacts tab.
- Click on the Legal tab. You might need to use the More drop-down list at the end of the row of tabs to find this option.
- Scroll down to the Legal Information section.
- Click on the New button.
- Select the Legal Order record type.
- Click on the Next button.
- This will open the Legal Order form. The first section of the form captures information about the type of legal order. Click on the Order Type drop-down list and select the type of order. You can use the text entry field to add an Other Order Type if it isn't listed.
- Use the drop-down list to select the Order Status.
- The Client and Date fields will be auto-filled with the client's name and the current date.
- The information section of the form captures a range of information about the order, including the Order Number. If you click in the space below the Comments field, you can add web links and images, and format your text. You can also indicate that the order has been sighted.
- The rest of the information you add in this section will depend on the type of order you are recording. This includes date fields for the Date of Order and Expiry Date.
- The Extent of Order field allows you to indicate whether the order is limited to Health, Accommodation or Lifestyle.
- Some orders may need to be broadcast to the workers who provide services to the client. You can do this by putting a tick in the Display as Alert checkbox and adding a brief summary in the Alert Summary field. This will be displayed as an alert at the top of the client's contact record with a link to the legal order record.
- Fill out the rest of the fields in the Information section as required.
- If the legal order has financial implications, you can add this information to the Financial Details section. This includes information about financial arrangements and trustees.
- Once you've added all of the relevant information, click on the Save button.
- The record will be listed under the Legal Information section. To edit this record, click on the drop-down arrow at the end of the row and select Edit.
- If you added an alert, this will be listed at the top of the client's record.