This article shows how DEX XML nodes populate from Lumary CM fields.
This table shows where to find the Lumary CM fields that populate the following nodes for DEX reporting:
Client | ||||||
Client node DEX XML Field |
Lumary Field Label | Lumary API Name | Field Location | Object | Field Type | Field Mapping and Validation |
AboriginalOrTorresStraitIslanderOriginCode | Indigenous Status | enrtcr__Indigenous_Status__c | Client's contact record | Contact | Picklist | Mandatory If this field is empty, sets to NOTSTATED (Not stated/Inadequately described) |
AccommodationTypeCode | Accommodation Setting | enrtcr__Accommodation_Setting__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Mandatory if OutletActivity has ActivitySpecificRequirement of ACCOMMODATIONTYPE |
AncestryCode | Ethnicity | enrtcr__Ethnicity__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Optional If this field is empty, sets to 3010 (Not stated) |
BirthDate | Birthdate | Birthdate | Client's contact record | Contact | Date | Mandatory |
ClientId | Number | enrtcr__Number__c | Client's contact record > Associations tab > Personal Identifiers record > DEX Client ID |
Personal identifier | Text(255) | Mandatory and must be unique to the Salesforce environment |
ConsentedForFutureContacts | Consent | enrtcr__Life_Issue__c | Client's contact record > Legal tab > Consent |
Consent | Picklist | Mandatory True if Consent is set to Communication and Date Closed is later than today’s date or not set, otherwise false |
ConsentToProvideDetails | Consent | enrtcr__Life_Issue__c | Client's contact record > Legal tab > Consent |
Consent | Picklist | Mandatory True if Consent is set to All or Consent to Sharing Information and Date Closed is later than today’s date or empty, otherwise false |
CountryOfBirthCode | Country of Birth | enrtcr__Country_of_Birth__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Lookup (Reference Data) | Mandatory If this field is empty, sets to 0003 (Not Stated) |
DisabilityCode | Primary Disability | enrtcr__Primary_Disability__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Mandatory if HasDisabilities is true Includes a separate entry for the primary and each secondary disability |
Secondary Disability | enrtcr__Secondary_Disability__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | ||
DVACardStatusCode | Card Type | enrtcr__Card_Type__c | Client's contact record > Associations tab > Personal Identifiers record > DVA Card |
Personal Identifier | Picklist | Mandatory if OutletActivity has ActivitySpecificRequirement of DVACARDSTATUS If no DVA card is added to personal identifiers, sets to NODVA |
EducationLevelCode | Education Level | enrtcr__Education_Level__c | Client's contact record | Contact | Picklist | Optional |
EmploymentStatusCode | Employment Status | enrtcr__Employment_Status__c | Client's contact record | Contact | Picklist | Optional |
FamilyName | Last Name | LastName | Client's contact record | Contact | Name | Mandatory if Consent ToProvideDetails is true, otherwise not set |
FirstArrivalMonth | Year of first arrival in Australia | enrtcr__Year_of_first_arrival_in_Australia__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Date | The month is taken from the date set on the year entry and must be greater than or equal to DateOfBirth and less than or equal to today’s date |
FirstArrivalYear | Year of first arrival in Australia | enrtcr__Year_of_first_arrival_in_Australia__c | Client's contact record | Contact | Date | Must be greater than or equal to DateOfBirth and less than or equal to today’s date |
GenderCode | Gender | enrtcr__Sex__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Mandatory If this field is empty, sets to Not Stated |
GenderDetails | Gender Detail | enrtcr__Gender_Detail__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Text(255) | Optional when OTHER GenderCode is used |
GivenName | First Name | FirstName | Client's contact record | Contact | Name | Mandatory if Consent ToProvideDetails is true, otherwise not set |
HasCarer | Carer | enrtcr__Carer__c | Client’s contact record > Associations tab > Client contact |
Client Contact | Checkbox | Mandatory if OutletActivity has ActivitySpecificRequirement of HASCARER |
HasDisabilities | Primary Disability | enrtcr__Primary_Disability__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Mandatory If this field is populated, sets to true, otherwise false |
HomelessIndicatorCode | Homelessness Indicator | enrtcr__Homelessness_Indicator__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Optional |
HouseholdCompositionCode | Household Composition | enrtcr__Household_Composition__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Mandatory if OutletActivity has ActivitySpecificRequirement of HOUSEHOLDMANDATORY |
IncomeAmount | Approximate gross income | enrtcr__Approximate_gross_income__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Currency(18,0) | Optional, must be a whole number greater than 0 |
IncomeFrequencyCode | Income Frequency | enrtcr__Income_Frequency__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Optional |
IsBirthDateAnEstimate | DOB Estimated | enrtcr__DOB_Estimated__c | Client's contact record | Contact | Picklist | Mandatory If this field is empty, sets to false |
IsClientACarer | Is client a carer | enrtcr__Is_carer__c | Client's contact record | Contact | Checkbox | Optional |
IsUsingPsuedonym | Preferred Name | enrtcr__Preferred_Name__c | Client's contact record | Contact | Text(40) | Mandatory If this field is empty, sets to false |
LanguageSpokenAtHomeCode | Main language spoken at home | enrtcr__Main_language_spoken_at_home__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Lookup (Reference Data) | Mandatory If this field is empty, sets to 0003 (Not Stated) |
MainSourceOfIncomeCode | Main Income Source | enrtcr__Main_Income_Source__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Optional |
MigrationVisaCategoryCode | Migration Visa Category | enrtcr__Migration_Visa_Category__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Optional |
NDISEligibilityCode | NDIS Eligibility | enrtcr__NDIS_Eligibility__c | Client’s contact record | Contact | Picklist | Optional |
ResidentialAddress | Other Address | OtherAddress | Client’s contact record | Contact | Address | |
AddressLine1 | Other Street | OtherStreet | Client’s contact record | Contact | Address | Only included when ConsentToProvideDetails is true |
Suburb | Other City | OtherCity | Client’s contact record | Contact | Address | |
StateCode | Other State/Province | OtherState | Client’s contact record | Contact | Address | |
Postcode | Other Zip/Postal Code | OtherPostalCode | Client’s contact record | Contact | Address | |
Slk | SLK | enrtcr__SLK__c | Client's contact record (auto-generated and hidden) |
Contact | Formula (Text) | Optional unless ConsentToProvideDetails is false |
Case | ||||||
Case node DEX XML Field |
Lumary Field Label | Lumary API Name | Field Location | Object | Field Type | Field Mapping and Validation |
CaseClients (subnode of Case) | ||||||
ClientId | Number | enrtcr__Number__c | Client's contact record > Associations tab > Personal identifiers record > DEX client ID |
Personal Identifier | Text(255) | Must be a ClientId that is also included in the client node. |
ExitReasonCode | Exit Reason | enrtcr__Exit_Reason__c | Block grant service agreement > Funded client tab > Funded support contract client record (FSCC) |
Funded Client | Picklist | Optional |
ReferralSourceCode | Referral Source | enrtcr__Referral_Source__c | Block grant service agreement > Funded client tab > Funded support contract client record (FSCC) |
Funded Client | Picklist | Optional |
Introduction to case structures and case ids for DEX reporting | ||||||
CaseId (default - clients on the same service agreement with the same service agreement item are grouped in cases) | Service Agreement Item Name | Name | Block grant service agreement > Line items tab > Service agreement item |
Service Agreement Item | Auto Number | Mandatory Must be unique in the context of the upload file |
CaseId (attendees of group sessions are reported as separate cases) | Funded Client ID | Name | Block grant service agreement > Funded clients tab > Funded support contract client record (FSCC) |
Funded Client | Auto Number | Mandatory Must be unique in the context of the upload file |
CaseId (attendees of group activities are grouped in cases) | DEX Group Activity Case ID | enrtcr__DEX_Group_Activity_Case_ID__c | Service Delivery Entry tab > Service delivered record (using pencil icon to edit) (must be included in field set to appear) |
Service Delivered | Text | Mandatory Must be unique in the context of the upload file |
ClientAttendanceProfileCode | Support for this requirement is currently in planning. | |||||
EndDate | End Date | enrtcr__End_Date__c enrtcr__End_Date_Funded_Client__c | Block grant service agreement > Funded client tab > Funded support contract client record (FSCC) |
Funded Client | Date | Optional |
OutletActivityId | Outlet Activity ID | enrtcr__Outlet_Activity_ID__c | Block grant service agreement (may be hidden once initially populated during setup) |
Service Agreement | Text(10) | Mandatory Must be a valid id from the Organisation Activity and Outlet data file |
ReasonsForAssistance (subnode of CaseClients) | ||||||
IsPrimary | NA | NA | NA | Mandatory Client will only have one reason for assistance, so this is always true |
ReasonForAssistanceCode | Reason for Assistance | enrtcr__Reason_for_Assistance__c | Block grant service agreement > Funded client tab > Funded support contract client record (FSCC) |
Funded Client | Picklist | Mandatory |
TotalNumberOf |
Total Unidentified Clients | enrtcr__Total_Unidentified_Clients__c | Block grant service agreement | Service Agreement | Number(18,0) | Mandatory Must be 0-999 Calculated from SD records associated with service agreement record |
Session | ||||||
Session node DEX XML Field |
Lumary Field Label | Lumary API Name | Field Location | Object | Field Type | Field Mapping and Validation |
Introduction to case structures and case ids for DEX reporting | ||||||
CaseId (default - clients on the same service agreement with the same service agreement item are grouped in cases) | Service Agreement Item Name | Name | Block grant service agreement > Line items tab > Service agreement item |
Service Agreement Item | Auto Number | Mandatory Must be unique in the context of the upload file |
CaseId (attendees of group sessions are reported as separate cases) | Funded Client ID | Name | Block grant service agreement > Funded clients tab > Funded support contract client record (FSCC) |
Funded Client | Auto Number | Mandatory Must be unique in the context of the upload file |
CaseId (attendees of group activities are grouped in cases) | DEX Group Activity Case ID | enrtcr__DEX_Group_Activity_Case_ID__c | Service Delivery Entry tab > Service delivered record (using pencil icon to edit) (must be included in field set to appear) |
Service Delivered | Text | Mandatory Must be unique in the context of the upload file |
ClientReferralOutWithPurpose | ||||||
Referral | Client Referral (object) | enrtcr__Client_Referral__c | Client’s contact record > Assessments tab |
Client Referral | Object | |
PurposeCode | Referral Purpose | enrtcr__Referral_Purpose__c | Client’s contact record > Assessments tab |
Client Referral | Picklist (Multi-Select) | |
TypeCode | Referral Type | enrtcr__Referral_Type__c | Client’s contact record > Assessments tab |
Client Referral | Picklist | |
ExtraItems (subnode of Session) | ||||||
ExtraItemCode | Assistance Items | enrtcr__Assistance_Items__c | Service Delivery Entry tab > Service delivered record (using pencil icon to edit) (must be included in field set to appear) |
Service Delivered | Picklist (Multi-Select) | |
FeesCharged | Client Contribution | enrtcr__DEX_Fees_Charged__c | Service Delivery Entry tab > Service delivered record (using pencil icon to edit) (must be included in field set to appear) |
Service Delivered | Currency(16, 2) | Mandatory if the support category has a service type requirement of FEESCHARGEDSESSIONMANDT |
InterpreterPresent | Interpreter Present | enrtcr__Interpreter_Present__c | Service delivered record (must be included in field set to appear) |
Service Delivered | Picklist | Optional |
MoneyBusinessCommunityEducationWorkshopCode | Money Management Workshop Type | enrtcr__Money_Management_Workshop_Type__c | Service delivered record | Service Delivered | Picklist | Based on activity and service type |
Quantity | Quantity | enrtcr__Quantity__c | Service delivered record | Service Delivered | Number(15, 3) | Mandatory if the associated service has a service type requirement of ASSISTANCEQUANTITY |
ServiceSettingCode | DEX Service Setting | enrtcr__DEX_Service_Setting__c | Service delivered record (must be included in field set to appear) |
Session | Picklist | Optional |
ServiceTypeId | DEX Service Type Id | enrtcr__DEX_Service_Type_Id__c | Service > DEX Information section |
Service | Text(10) | Mandatory Must be the service linked to the service agreement item |
SessionClient | ||||||
ClientId | Number | enrtcr__Number__c | Client's contact record > Associations tab > Personal identifiers record > DEX Client ID |
Personal Identifier | Text(255) | Must be a ClientId that is also included in the client node. |
ParticipationCode | N/A | N/A | N/A | NA | NA | Hardcoded as CLIENT |
SessionDate | Date | enrtcr__Date__c | Service delivered record | Service Delivered | Date | |
SessionId | Service Delivered ID | Name | Service delivered record | Service Delivered | Auto Number | Mandatory |
TimeMinutes | Time (mins) | enrtcr__DEX_Time_Minutes__c | Service Delivery Entry tab > Service delivered record (using pencil icon to edit) (must be included in field set to appear) |
Service Delivered | Number(6, 0) | Mandatory if the associated service has a service type requirement of ASSISTANCEMINUTES |
Topic | Topic | enrtcr__Topic__c | Service delivered (must be included in field set to appear) |
Service Delivered | Picklist | Optional |
TotalCost | Total inc GST | enrtcr__Total__c | Service delivered | Service Delivered | Formula (Currency) | Mandatory if the associated service has a service type requirement of ASSISTANCECOSTAMOUNT |
TotalNumberOfUnidentifiedClients | Total Unidentified Clients | enrtcr__Total_Unidentified_Clients__c | Service delivered | Service Delivered | Number(3, 0) | Mandatory Must be 0-999Calculated from SD records associated with service agreement record |