This article explains how to discharge a home care package (HCP) client and end their service agreement.
The functionality described in this article requires the activation of home care package (HCP) features in your production environment.
When you are notified that a client no longer requires your services, you need to finalise their budget and make sure that any remaining funds are reallocated appropriately.
The discharging process consists of the following steps:
- creating a new discharge process
- calculating unspent funds
- generating final statements, and
- completing the discharge process.
Create a new discharge process
To create a new discharge process:
- Open a client record and click on the Plans tab. Scroll down to the Processes area and select New.
- Select Discharging Home Care Package Client as the record type and click Next.
- The Contact and Status fields will be auto-populated.
- Click on the calendar icon in the Cessation Day field and select a date.
- In the Reason for Ceasing field, select the reason for exiting from the drop-down menu.
- If the client is moving to a new provider, click in the New Provider field to search for a provider's name and add it to the field.
- The remaining fields in this form will be actioned later in the process so click Save.
Calculate unspent funds
To calculate unspent funds:
- From the client record, click on the Plans tab. Scroll down to the Processes area.
- Click on the process name to edit.
- You'll see a pathway that you can use to check your completion of the discharge steps. If you click on the down arrow at the beginning of the process you can see the key fields and checklists for each step. The Guidance for Success text suggests actions to take for each step.
- If you want to record that you have notified Services Australia of the client discharge, click on Agreement Ended in the pathway, and click the pencil icon. Tick the checkbox and then click Save.
- Click on the Calculate Unspent Funds button.
- Check the discharge summary and you should see that all of the funding fields have been populated.
Note: you can run this process any time that you want to forecast the client's remaining funds. However, if you do so before you have finished providing services to the client, you will need to repeat it again after charges for all services have been finalised and the client's budget reconciled.
Generate final statements
To generate final statements:
- Click on Generate Closing Statement. This will generate a statement that can be sent to the client.
- If required, click on Generate Transfer Statement to create a statement that can be sent to the new provider.
Note: This process will only run correctly if you have previously added the new provider's details.
- Check the files area and you will see the newly generated PDFs.
- If you wish to record that you have sent the final statement or notified the new provider, click on Reconciled Accounts in the pathway, and click the pencil icon. Tick the checkboxes and then click Save.
Complete the discharge process
To complete the discharge process:
- On the process pathway, click on Complete.
- If you click the down arrow to view the key fields, you will see a checklist with items from the previous steps. If you have already completed the checklist, the items will be ticked. If not, you can edit their status by clicking on any of the pencil icons.
- Click on the Mark Exiting Status as Complete button.
- When the process completes, you'll see that the Exiting Status field is now set to Complete.
- If you navigate back to the Plans screen and scroll down to the Processes area, you will see that the discharge process now also has a status of Complete.
- If you navigate to the client's service agreement you will see that the agreement has a status of Expired.