Lumary CM - This article explains how to add an NDIS activity based transport or provider travel allocation to a support category.
Providers can add and monitor travel and transport allocations at the category level of NDIS service agreements. This can help when discussing with clients how much they'd like to allocate for travel and transport.
Required packages
Available with: Lumary 21
Before you begin...
You'll need to create a draft NDIS service agreement that allows provider travel and/or activity based transport claiming.
To add NDIS travel and transport allocations:
- Go to your client's draft NDIS service agreement.
- Scroll down to the Service Agreement Items section.
- Click on the New Category button.
- Select a Support Category that allows for provider travel and/or activity based transport.
- This will reveal the Add Travel and Transport button further down the form. If the category doesn't allow travel or transport, an explanation will appear in place of the button.
- Fill out any other fields as you normally would when adding a category, and then click on the Add Travel and Transport button.
- Depending what's permitted for the category, this will reveal one or both of the following fields -
- Provider Travel Allocation, and/or
Activity Based Transport Allocation.
- Add the allocations that you've agreed with your client to the relevant fields.
- Click on the Save button.
The amounts you've allocated will appear on the category summary. However, no overclaim restrictions are enforced on these fields. They are intended to provide a way to proactively monitor travel and transport spending, and to trigger conversations with clients if spending is nearing their estimated allocations.
Regardless of whether the allocations are populated on categories, the amount delivered from each allocation appears in the category summary, under Delivered Travel and Delivered Transport, so you can see at a glance how travel and transport spending is tracking. New and existing service delivered (SD) child records for travel and transport are automatically factored in when the category is updated. For example, the fields recalculate when a new, deleted or edited SD record impacts the delivered amount for the category.
As the NDIS pricing arrangements do not recognise activity based transport time as separate from the time spent delivering the service, this is not included in the calculations. Only non-labour costs are calculated for the Delivered Transport amount.
Once you've added the category, you can add service agreement items. You can also add non-labour cost travel and transport as separate agreement items.
If you ticked Restrict delivery to Service Line Item, you'll need to add a service line item to the category to be able to claim services.