This article explains how to record pro re nata (PRN) use of a restrictive practice.
Once a pro re nata (PRN) restrictive practice has been defined for a client, users can record the usage of this restrictive practice. This will then be included on the monthly NDIS report.
Before you begin...
To access this functionality, you need the Lumary - Restrictive Practice Usage permission set. You may need to request that a system administrator assign the permission set to your user account.
To record usage, the client's contact record will need to have a PRN restrictive practice record that has been attached to a personal support plan.
To record PRN usage:
- Navigate to the client's contact record.
- Click on the Health tab.
- Scroll down to the Restrictive Practices section. If you can't see this section, you may need to make sure that you have the required permission set.
- Click on the Restrictive Practice ID text link for the relevant restrictive practice with a record type of PRN.
- This will open the restrictive practice (RP) record showing details of the PRN restrictive practice currently in place.
- Click on the Related tab.
- Scroll down to the Restrictive Practice Usage section.
- Click on the New button.
- Under Schedule Start Date / Time, use the Date and Time fields to indicate when the usage began.
- Under Schedule End Date / Time, use the Date and Time fields to indicate when the usage ended.
- Click in the Where was the restraint used? text field and add a description of where the restraint was used. This is a mandatory field and must be completed to create the usage record.
- You can also add extra information to the Comments text field.
- The Related Restrictive Practice field will be auto-populated with the ID of the client's restrictive practice (RP) record.
- Click on the Save button.