This article explains how to resolve issues associated with users being unable to log in to the system.
If a user is unable to log in, it may be because they have:
- forgotten their password
- entered the wrong user name or
- not logged in within the 24 hours required after their initial setup.
To resolve these issues, we need to:
- review the user's login history and
- unfreeze their account, reset their password or direct them to the Forgot Your Password link.
To do this:
- Click on the setup icon and select Setup.
- Under ADMINISTRATION, click on the Users drop down menu.
- Select Users. This will display a list of all of your users.
- Click on the user's Full Name text link.
- Scroll down to the Login History section.
- Look at the Status column and check the status for the most recent login attempt, which will be at the top of the list.
- If there is no record of the login attempt, the user may be using the wrong username. Check their Username on the All Users screen (see step 3 above) and advise them to try using that username to log in.
- If the status is User is Frozen, they have exceeded the maximum number of login attempts. You will need to:
- scroll back up to the User Detail section
- click on the Unfreeze button and
- advise the user to use the Forgot Your Password link.
- If the status is Invalid Password, you can either:
- scroll back up to the User Detail section and click on the Reset Password button then OK, which will email the user a link to set a new password or
- advise the user to go back to the login screen and click on the Forgot Your Password? text link.