This article explains how to updated a journal entry for a home care package (HCP) client's journal to show that the client has paid for the service delivered.
The functionality described in this article requires Lumary 20 and the activation of home care package (HCP) features in your production environment.
You can edit a journal entry to show the date that the entry was paid by the client. This helps you to identify any unpaid balances at a particular point in time and to accurately report this within a client's monthly statement.
To add the payment date to a journal entry:
- From the client's contact record, click on the Contracts tab. Under Journals, click on the journal name text link.
- Click on the name of the journal entry that you want to edit.
- On the journal entry screen, click on any pencil icon to edit or use the edit button.
- In the Service Information area, click in the Date Paid field and select a payment date using the calendar. The Paid/Claimed checkbox will auto-populate when you save the journal entry.
- Click the Save button.
When you generate the client's monthly statement, the payment date will appear in the Payments Received column in the Client Fees and Contributions section of the statement.