This article provides tips on working with the ScheduledServiceDeliveryFundingSchedule (funding schedule) job to manage the automatic generation of service delivered (SD) records.
The ScheduledServiceDeliveryFundingSchedule (funding schedule) job checks for service agreement items (SAIs) where the Auto-generate Service Delivered Records checkbox is ticked. If it is, an SD record is created based on the frequency and recurrence pattern captured on the item.
We originally developed the funding schedule to capture planned accommodation services. However, it can also generate SD records for other services that are provided at regular intervals and that use the same information for billing.
For service agreement items (SAIs) set up to auto-generate SD records from a funding schedule, we recommend avoiding other ways of creating SD records. Using sessions, the Beds Calendar or Skedulo jobs to also create SD records for an SAI with an automated funding schedule may result in missing records.
We've put together a few tips to help you:
- find out how to set up automated SD record generation
- get an understanding of what this job can do
- generate records for services that were provided in the past, and
- avoid some of the common pitfalls that can disrupt your automated SD record generation.
Set up automated SD record generation
To use automated SD record generation, the ScheduledServiceDeliveryFundingSchedule job will need to be set up in your environment. Find out how your system administrator can schedule an automated job.
Once the job is set up, you can set up service agreement items (SAIs) to automatically generate SD records. To find out how, check out the sections of our SAI article that explain how to:
SAIs that have been set up to auto-generate SD records are marked with a calendar icon on the service agreement.
What this job can and can't do
The funding schedule uses the settings captured on the service agreement item (SAI) to generate SD records. It uses the:
- fields in the Service Details and Financials sections to calculate how much to bill for the item, and
- settings in the recurrences panel to create a recurrence record that captures how often to bill.
The funding schedule can also apportion costs using the Delivery Ratio selected.
If the funding schedule is enabled on a face-to-face service that allows for centre capital costs (CCC), child SD records are automatically generated if also allowed on the:
- service
- service agreement, and
- site.
The funding schedule should not be enabled on an actual CCC service agreement item.
Funding schedules cannot be set up to generate provider travel or activity based transport records. There is currently no way to capture details of these services on the service agreement item.
Generate records for services provided in the past
Funding schedules can also be set up to generate records for services that were provided in the past. For example, if services were provided while waiting for the client to return the signed agreement, the schedule can bill back to the commencement date of the service agreement item (SAI). However, this will only work if:
- the service agreement's status is Current when the batch runs, as automated jobs cannot be run for Expired or Cancelled agreements
- the SAI's end date is later than the date that the automated job will run, and
- no SD records have been created for the SAI after the earliest date required.
This means that it is not feasible to set up an agreement that starts and ends in the past to automatically generate SD records. Agreements and SAIs must end on the current date or later to generate SD records.
Avoid some common pitfalls
One of the best ways to avoid issues with automated SD record generation for a service agreement item (SAI) is to avoid combining the approach with other ways of generating SD records. Generating SD records for the SAI from sessions, the Beds Calendar or Skedulo jobs may result in missing records.
If you need to edit SD records that have an error, or generate SD records that have been missed, we recommend using the Service Delivery Entry screen rather than the other options.
The following table includes further recommendations and explanations.
Recommendation | Reason |
Avoid combining automated jobs and other ways of generating SD records | The system checks SD records stored against the SAI for the latest date. This is also intended to reduce the risk of SD record duplication. This is why we advise against combining the automated job with other ways of generating SD records for an SAI. Records generated with a date later than the date of the last automated job may cause the system to skip the generation of some required SD records. |
Fix SD records, avoid deletion | The date that the automated job was last run is one of the dates the system checks to reduce the risk of SD record duplication. This date is stored in a Delivery Scheduled Date field that is hidden from most users. It means that any SD records that you delete from an automated job will not be recreated when you run the job again. We recommend that users fix SD record errors, rather than deleting the record. |