This article explains how to allocate and deallocate resources to and from a Skedulo job.
Allocating resources to a job can be done in multiple ways, depending on whether a specific resource is required or the job is offered to a pool of resources. Resources can also be deallocated if circumstances change. This article covers the following:
Allocate resources from the Skedulo Console
Allocating resources from the Skedulo Console is a great way to schedule jobs while having an overview of resource availability.
To allocate resources to a job in the Skedulo Console:
- Navigate to the Skedulo Console and click on the Jobs tab.
- Find the job that you want to allocate resources to. Make sure that the correct Region is selected if you can't see it.
- Click on the job name text link.
- Click on the Allocate a resource text link on the Job Details page.
If you can't see the Resources section within the Job Details page, try scrolling to the bottom of the page. Your screen and text size can impact the page layout.
- Select the resources that you want to allocate to the job. Available resources will be in a white box, whereas unavailable resources will be in a grey box. Unavailable resources can still be allocated to jobs.
- Click the Save button.
- If the job is part of a recurring schedule then a message will appear asking whether you would like to allocate these same resources to all jobs in the series. Click the Yes, all jobs button if you want the same resources you just selected to be allocated to all upcoming jobs in the series, or click the No, just this job button if you want to separately allocate resources for upcoming jobs in the series.
- Alternatively, jobs can also be allocated by clicking on the Schedule tab after opening the job.
- Click on the plus next to the name of a resource to allocate them to the job.
- Once the resources have been allocated, you will need to return to the Job Details page to notify the resources.
- Click on one of the notification options under the resource you want to notify. Their preference (either by SMS or push notification) should already be highlighted, but you can choose another option if needed. A manual response can also be added in the case that the resource's other notifications are not working.
- Click on the Dispatch button to send a notification to the allocated resource.
Offer jobs to resources
If there are multiple resources with capacity to take on a job, it can be offered to all of them. The first person to accept the offer will be allocated the job.
To offer a job to multiple resources in the Skedulo Console:
- Navigate to the Skedulo Console and click on the Jobs tab.
- Find the job that you want to allocate resources to. Make sure that the correct Region is selected if you can't see it.
- Click on the job name text link.
- Click on the send offers text link on the Job Details page.
- In the Job Offers window tick the checkbox for each resource that you want to send the offer to. Job offers can also be sent to resources that are unavailable by scrolling down to the unavailable list.
- Click the Send button to send out the job offers.
Deallocate resources
If circumstances change and a different resource needs to be allocated to a job, you can deallocate resources that are currently allocated.
To deallocate a resource:
- Navigate to the Skedulo Console and click on the Jobs tab.
- Find the job that you want to remove resources from. Make sure that the correct Region is selected if you can't see the job.
- Click on the job name text link.
- Resources can then be deallocated by:
- clicking on either of the Remove Resource(s) buttons, depending on whether you want to remove one or all resources, or
- clicking on the Schedule tab and clicking on the tick next to the resource's name.
- The job will then return to the Pending Allocation status.
Now that you've allocated resources to your scheduled jobs, the workers can accept and deliver the required services.