This article explains how to cancel a service agreement.
If you need to end a service agreement before the expiry date, you can change the status of the agreement to Cancelled by setting a cancellation date. You'll also be required to record the reason for the cancellation.
Before you begin...
Make sure you check carefully before cancelling a service agreement. Once a cancellation date is set, you'll no longer be able to edit, amend or rollover the agreement.
However, if Transfer SD is available in your Lumary environment, your system administrator will still be able to transfer service delivered (SD) records from the cancelled service agreement to a new agreement.
To cancel a service agreement:
- Go to the service agreement.
- If the status of the agreement is Draft or Quote Submitted, click on the Edit button.
- If the status of the agreement is Current or Expired, click on the Amend button.
- This will launch an Edit or Amend form. Scroll down to the Outcome section.
- Click in the Cancellation Date field and use the calendar to set your cancellation date. This date will also become the service agreement's end date.
SD records can still be generated against a cancelled service agreement up to and including the day of the cancellation/end date. This includes backdated manual entries from the Service Delivery Entry screen. You should take this into account when setting your cancellation date.
SD records generated against a cancelled service agreement will be included on extracts.
- Click in the Cancellation Reason drop-down list and select a cancellation reason.
- If you selected the Other option, you'll need to provide more details by filling in the Cancellation Reason Other text field.
- Click on the Save button.
- The service agreement status will be set to Cancelled and the end date of the agreement will be set to match the cancellation date.