This article describes user profiles and explains how to assign them.
The Lumary application allows you to set different levels of access for different users within your organisation. The profile establishes the base level of accessibility for the user. Each user can only be assigned one profile. Further access can be provided using permission sets.
Profiles are usually assigned when you create a new user.
To assign a different profile to an existing user:
- Click on the setup icon and select Setup.
- Under ADMINISTRATION, click on the Users drop down menu.
- Select Users. This will display a list of all of your users.
- Click on Edit at the start of the user's row.
- Under General Information, click on the Profile pick list in the right column.
- Select the Profile that you want to assign to the user.
To ensure that your user has access to the Lumary app, make sure you select a profile with a Lumary or Enrite Care prefix, for example:
- Lumary Basic
- Lumary Standard
- Lumary Advanced
- Enrite Care Basic
- Enrite Care Standard or
- Enrite Care Advanced.
- Click on the Save button.
Each user also requires at least one permission set to access the system. This further defines the level of access to Lumary for different groups of users. Learn more about how to assign permission sets.