This article explains how to generate a Home care package (HCP) monthly statement extract.
Generating an HCP monthly statement extract will enable you to create:
- monthly statement PDFs for HCP clients, and
- bulk import files for upload to the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP).
Required packages
Available with: Lumary 19 and later, requires activation of home care package (HCP) features
To generate an extract:
- Click on the Lumary Extracts tab. You may need to click on the More drop-down option to find it.
- Click on the Extract Type drop-down list.
- Select HCP Monthly Statement.
- If you've generated HCP monthly statements before, you'll see a reminder that re-running an extract could create duplicate journal entries. If you need to delete a previous extract, see the Delete an HCP extract article.
- You'll need to select the site from which the services were delivered to create a successful extract. Click on the magnifying glass in the Site field.
- This will launch a Search popup panel. If you only have a small number of sites or a site you use all the time, this should be listed under Recently Viewed Sites. If you can't see your site on the list, type the first part of the name into the Search field and click on the Go! button.
- Click on the name of your site.
- Unless you're only generating a monthly statement for an individual client, leave the Client Name field blank. Leaving this field blank will generate statements for all clients that have had HCP transactions during the time span specified.
- Click in the Start Date field and use the popup calendar to select the start date for your statements.
- Click in the End Date field and select the end date.
- Click on the Create Extract button.
- You should see a notification that the data is being validated and extracted. You'll get an email when this process is complete.
- Your new extract will appear in the Previous Extracts section once the process is complete. The start and end dates in the Generate New Extract section will need to overlap the dates of your extract for it to appear. You may also be able to click on the Refresh List button to check for your extract.
The Previous Extracts section lists up to 1,000 of the most recent extracts for the extract type and date range selected. This is to avoid an error that affects providers with a large number of extracts. If your extract isn't showing, try adjusting the Start Date and End Date or go to the Extracts list view and apply filters.
Once you've generated the extract, you can: