This article shows the current status of the next Lumary CM release. It’s a live status page, so please keep checking back for updates. You might need to refresh your browser to see the latest version.
Current version: Lumary 21 - release notes
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Update 11/9/2023
The scheduled rollout of Lumary 21 into production environments for non-Skedulo customers is complete. We’ll let Skedulo customers know when their deployment is done.
Find out what’s in Lumary 21 by checking out the release notes.
Update 7/8/2023
The rollout of Lumary 21 into production environments starts today! We'll notify customers via email once their deployment is done.
Find out more about the Lumary 21 release by checking out the release notes. We've included links to several articles to help you use new features and apply new settings. |
Update 20/7/2023
Deployment of Lumary 21 into sandboxes is planned to commence tonight. If you've provided your sandbox environment id, we'll let you know once the deployment is done.
You can find out more about Lumary 21 by checking out the release notes. They include information about new features and improvements. We'll finalise these notes closer to the production release. Check out our testing article for tips on testing a new release. |
Update 10/7/2023
Lumary 21 will soon be ready to deploy to sandboxes. Find out what’s been included by checking out the pre-release notes.
Update 14/10/2022
We've updated our permission set object settings article to show what's changed for Lumary 20. This article shows the object-level settings for each of Lumary's permission sets. A green background indicates objects that have changed since the last release.
Update 5/10/2022
The scheduled rollout of Lumary 20 into production environments is complete. Find out more about what’s in Lumary 20 by checking out the release notes.
Update 29/9/2022
The rollout of Lumary 20 into production environments is planned to commence tonight! We'll notify customers via email once their deployment is done.
Find out more about the Lumary 20 release by checking out the release notes. We’ve added an article that explains how to set up a funding schedule to claim a SIL weekly service. |
We remind customers that the Salesforce Winter ’23 Release will take place this October. Information about the Winter ’23 release is available from Salesforce.
Find out more about getting ready for a Salesforce release.
Update 19/9/2022
Deployment of Lumary 20 into sandboxes is planned to commence tonight! If you've provided your sandbox environment id, we'll let you know once the deployment is done.
You can find out more about Lumary 20 by checking out the release notes. They include information about new features and improvements, and changes to permission sets. We’ll finalise these notes closer to the production release. Check out our testing article for tips on testing a new release. |
Update 16/9/2022
For Home Care Packages (HCP) funding, there is a new Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care from 20 September 2022. For providers with HCP funding functionality, the updated rates will be available in your production environment from 20 September 2022.
Update 6/9/2022
The Lumary 20 release process is planned to begin on 19 September 2022.
In preparation for the release, we’re sending key contacts:
- a request for sandbox environment ids, and
- a link to help you find this id in your sandbox environment.
To help you get ready to check out new and improved features that the release will include, please provide these details using the instructions in the email.
Lumary 20 release notes will be available prior to UAT and announced on this page. Follow this section for update notifications. We’ve listed some of the key changes below to help you start preparing.
Updates planned for Lumary 20 improve the ability to manage NDIS, CHSP and HCP funding.
NDIS funding
Updates planned for this release will give providers more flexibility to manage funding within and between NDIS service agreements. This includes:
- the ability to start delivering services from an agreement and still make funding management changes before claiming and/or invoicing for services
- easier transfer of service delivered (SD) records between service agreements that have different types of funding management, and
- a new report that makes it easy to see the billing history of a participant. This will make it easier to see the impact of funding management changes.
We’ve also planned improvements to supported independent living (SIL) claiming to meet a recent NDIS compliance change. The Support Delivered To field on the NDIS extract will auto-populate an accurate end date for services with a weekly unit of measure.
CHSP funding
Updates planned for this release improve and simplify the options for CHSP-funded providers who are managing client contributions. This includes:
- adding the ability to create separate SD records to bill the client contribution
- being able to view the client contributions in the financial description of the financial extract
- improved DEX reporting, and
- enhanced functionality to support discounts and the waiving of costs for clients.
HCP funding
For HCP providers, there are planned updates to the automatic process that calculates the daily government transactions, aimed at simplifying financial management. The process will:
- run daily rather than monthly
- display the subsidy, supplements and care reductions separately, and
- add additional details to HCP journal entries.
It will also enable changes to monthly client statements that will align with government best practice recommendations and regulations. These include a new PDF template that will provide additional information and show how the unspent funds have been split into:
- the Commonwealth portion of provider-held funds
- the care recipient’s portion of provider-held funds, and
- the home care account balance.
Update 17/6/2022
The final rollout of Lumary 19 into production environments is planned to commence on Monday, 20 June 2022. We'll notify customers via email once their deployment is done.
Find out more about the Lumary 19 release by checking out the release notes. |
Update 17/5/2022
We've updated our permission set object settings article to show what's changed for Lumary 19. This article shows the object-level settings for each of Lumary's permission sets. A green background indicates objects that have changed since the last release.
Update 11/5/2022
The rollout of Lumary 19 into production environments is planned to commence tonight! We'll notify customers via email once their deployment is done.
Find out more about the Lumary 19 release by checking out the release notes. |
Update 27/4/2022
Deployment of Lumary 19 into sandboxes is planned to commence tonight! If you've provided your sandbox environment id, we'll let you know once the deployment is done.
Find out more about Lumary 19 by checking out the release notes. Check out our testing article for tips on testing a new release. |
Update 20/4/2022
Keen to find out more about what’s in Lumary 19? Check out our Lumary 19 release notes. We’ll finalise these notes closer to the production release.
Update 13/4/2022
The Lumary 19 release process is planned to begin on 27 April 2022.
In preparation for the release, we’re sending key contacts:
- a request for sandbox environment ids, and
- a link to help you find this id in your sandbox environment.
To help you get ready to check out new and improved features that the release will include, please provide these details using the instructions in the email.
Updates planned for Lumary 19 include:
- DEX reporting improvements, including the ability to create separate cases for group activities and improved data validation for DEX extracts
- HCP funding improvements, including the ability to generate a bulk import file for the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP), and the ability to archive a client’s HCP goals
- support for Aged Care Quality Standards compliance through additional fields to capture diversity information, and
- high-priority minor improvements.
The timeline below shows the key dates for this release.
Lumary 19 release notes will be available soon and announced on this page. Follow this section for update notifications.
Update 1/2/2022
The scheduled rollout of Lumary 18 into production environments is now complete. Find out more about what's in Lumary 18 by checking out the release notes.
Update 12/1/2022
The rollout of Lumary 18 into production environments commences tomorrow. We'll notify customers via email once their deployment is done.
Find out more about what's in Lumary 18 by checking out the release notes.
Update 10/12/2021
The rollout of Lumary 18 into production environments for all disability providers has been rescheduled to commence on 13 January 2022.
This is due to the NDIA’s recent announcement about pricing changes that will be effective from 1 January 2022. This change to the deployment schedule will allow us to:
- prioritise any work required to address the NDIA’s pricing changes, and
- address issues detected through our internal testing processes and customer user acceptance testing (UAT).
It will also allow for further UAT and internal testing of the package.
As the pricing changes don’t impact Home Care Packages funding, the production release for this functionality will commence today as planned.
Update 8/12/2021
Deployment of Lumary 18 into sandboxes for Skedulo customers is planned to commence tonight! If you've opted in and provided your sandbox environment id, we'll let you know once the deployment is done.
Find out more about Lumary 18 by checking out the release notes.
Update 1/12/2021
Tonight we’ll be updating the package in sandbox environments that have previously been updated to start testing Lumary 18.
For customers reporting to DEX, this update adds DEX translations for service settings and extra items.
Update 26/11/2021
Deployment of Lumary 18 into sandboxes for non-Skedulo customers is planned to commence tonight! If you've provided your sandbox environment id, we'll let you know once the deployment is done.
Find out more about Lumary 18 by checking out the release notes.
Update 12/11/2021
The Lumary 18 release process is planned to begin on 26 November 2021.
In preparation for the release, we’ll be sending key contacts:
- a request for sandbox environment ids, and
- a link to help you find this id in your sandbox environment.
To help you get ready to check out new and improved features, please provide these details using the instructions in the email.
Updates planned for Lumary 18 include:
- NDIS functionality improvements for managing participant travel allocations, rates substitution, and supports in employment and group session apportioning
- NDIS service agreement enhancements, with an option to enable improved technology for displaying service agreement line items
- expanded Sessions Calendar features, including visibility of a client’s availability
- DEX reporting improvements, including coverage for additional fields and improved group-based reporting
- HCP updates to meet Improved Payment Arrangements requirements and improve the user experience
- SD transfer fixes, and
- minor improvements and fixes throughout the system.
For an overview of these improvements, check out the Lumary 18 release notes. These notes will be expanded and finalised closer to the production release.
The timelines for the release are slightly different for non-Skedulo and Skedulo customers. The timeline below outlines the key release dates for non-Skedulo customers.
The following timeline shows the key release dates for customers who use Skedulo.
Update 14/10/2021
The scheduled rollout of Lumary 17 into production environments is now complete. Find out more about what's in Lumary 17 by checking out the release notes.
Lumary 18 is scheduled for deployment into:
- sandbox environments starting from 26 November 2021, and
- production environments starting from 10 December 2021.
Update 30/9/2021
Client contact record calendar
As part of the rollout of Lumary 17 into production environments, we've fixed an issue that was causing all of the sessions scheduled across an organisation to appear on the client's contact record calendar.
Find out more about Lumary 17 by checking out the release notes.
Update 14/9/2021
The rollout of Lumary 17 into production environments commences tomorrow, 15 September 2021. We'll notify customers via email once their deployment is done.
Find out more about what's in Lumary 17 by checking out the release notes.
Update 13/9/2021
Tonight we’re applying an update to sandbox environments for customers who are testing the Lumary 17 release. We encourage providers testing the release to review this list of fixes before raising support issues.
This update fixes the following issues related to session records and the Sessions Calendar:
- Sessions Calendar busy/loading symbol not remaining on screen for the entire loading process
- Clear all Filters button not clearing a previously entered worker region
- when selecting a planned service, the Other Claim Code field remaining visible even if not applicable for that service
- Reset to Saved Filter button not returning previously saved values for the Status, Service Type, Session Region and Worker Region fields
- users being able to select inactive sites
- allowing the Delivery Method field in planned services to be incorrectly saved as null
- the Travel Area drop-down list not displaying when the Travel Chargeable checkbox on the Edit Planned Service form for an individual grant service agreement is ticked
- ad hoc service forms showing the wrong heading when adding or editing an ad hoc service
- action buttons not being fully visible when the browser’s zoom is set to more than 125%, and
- the session status of a client’s appointment not automatically refreshing after cancelling an appointment.
The update also fixes:
- a service agreement issue that meant that the Delivery Ratio field wasn’t appearing for any of the group activity service line items when creating a new service agreement, and
- a service delivery entry issue that meant that transport rate warnings weren’t appearing and clearing when adding or removing a tick from the Modified Vehicle checkbox.
Update 7/9/2021
Last night we applied an update to sandbox environments for customers who are testing the Lumary 17 release. We encourage providers testing the release to review this list of fixes before raising support issues.
This update fixes the following issues related to sessions records and the Sessions Calendar:
- unable to cancel sessions that have ad hoc services
- edit and delete options appearing on ad hoc services on sessions with a status of Complete, In Progress or Cancelled
- leave, availability and unavailability shadings missing from the Sessions Calendar when the user toggles between views
- the list of clients not automatically refreshing on the sessions record page
- the Save & Add New Service button not working on planned services
- the Reset to Saved Filter button not returning previously saved values
- worker role values in the drop-down list under Filters not matching the options in the drop-down list under Display Options
- service delivered (SD) records created from sessions not showing the client portion value in the Service Delivery Entry view
- program values being cleared when only the rate is changed on planned services, and
- client portion value missing from the Service Delivery Entry page.
Update 1/9/2021
Deployment of Lumary 17 into sandboxes is planned to commence today! If you've provided your sandbox environment id, we'll let you know once the deployment is done.
Update 27/8/2021
To help you get ready for the release, we've published the Lumary 17 release notes. There are a few minor things we still need to add, so keep an eye on this feed for updates.
Update 24/8/2021
Thank you to all customers who have already provided their sandbox environment ids.
We can confirm that we’re aiming to begin Lumary 17 rollouts into:
- sandbox environments starting from 1 September, and
- production environments starting from 15 September.
Update 20/8/2021
The Lumary 17 release process is planned to begin in September 2021. Pending successful testing, we're currently aiming to roll out into production environments starting from 15 September.
In preparation for the release, we’re sending key contacts:
- a request for sandbox environment ids, and
- a link to help you find this id in your sandbox environment.
To help you get ready to check out new and improved features that will be included in the release, please provide the id details using the instructions in the email.
Updates planned for Lumary 17 include:
- improved support for NDIS notional rates
- Sessions Calendar navigation improvements and support for ad hoc services
- session record improvements
- easyemployer integration improvements
- Improved Payment Arrangement support for HCP
- expanded HCP functionality, including support for defining rates on a planned service, and
- minor improvements and fixes throughout the system.
We're currently compiling release notes to support this release and will post a link on this page when these become available.