This article provides an overview of the HCP onboarding process.
The functionality described in this article requires the activation of home care package (HCP) features in your production environment.
The Onboarding Home Care Package Client process has been developed to capture key client information required for tracking and claiming HCP funding.
The process includes a visual path to show users where they're up to in the process.
The path guides users through the following steps:
- Prepare - check and confirm the client's contact details in preparation for their assessment
- Assess - capture details of client assessments, health conditions, risks, contacts and consents
- Goals - capture the client's goals and outcomes obtained from the assessments
- Budget - record which subsidies and supplements the client will receive and any relevant fees that the client will pay
- Plan - capture the client's fixed costs and add services to the client's goals or an explanation of why the provider is not servicing a particular goal
- Review - generate a care plan PDF and a home care agreement for the client to review and approve, and
- Complete - commence the provision of services.
Users can move back and forth along the pathway, and it can be a good way of keeping track of which step you're up to in the onboarding process.
The articles in this part of the Help Centre will show you how to add information at each of the onboarding steps. However, there are a few things you need to do to get started.